A Really Quick Visit to Roatan, Honduras

Approaching the pier, I could see the country of Honduras coming into view. I was overwhelmed with emotions – excitement, fear, and anticipation. The captain came onto the intercom and announced our arrival. The locals lined up on the dock to greet us, and I could not have been more excited for this grand departure. What was about to happen? I did not have the slightest idea.

Beautiful Beaches

Half of our one day in Honduras was spent on a beautiful, luxurious beach with pristine white sand and an amazing reef. The fish here were so bright and vibrant and the patterns in the sea coral were breath-taking. I swam about half a mile out into the sea and everything was so peaceful. The swaying coral almost put me to sleep; until a sea snake appeared below me. The marine life were not the only inhabitants of this beach. Iguanas lined the rock wall just waiting for some innocent person to walk by and feed them.

Monkey Madness

Reluctantly walking into a giant cage, I watch as the monkeys came to laugh at us humans for being so stupid as to walk into their wild life. There were two monkeys that jumped around and landed one whomever they chose and whenever they wanted to do so. At one point, I was talking to my mom, and I felt two hands grab my shoulders and I screamed, but it turned out to just be a monkey. I will say that the monkeys were super soft and felt like silk.

Becoming Parrot Perches

As we were walking through the animal enclosures, the guide asked, “Who wants to become parrot food?” Well, I totally raised my hand for this. The guide called the parrot over to him and then stuck him on my head! He then put the food on my head and the parrot started eating, which was really funny to watch. Too bad I didn’t get to see since I was the one with the giant bird walking around on my head. We also saw a few more unique animals that are native to Honduras.

Honduras Zip-lining

Zip-lining in Honduras was breath-taking. Although not quite as high as the zip-lines in Costa Rica, the Honduras zip-lines were still astounding. Hundreds of feet off of the ground, I felt as if I was almost free-falling through the forest. As the leaves gently stroked my arm and the wind softly blew over my face, the sense of freedom and adrenaline came rushing back and I was having the time of my life once again.

Honduras is a gorgeous island and I would not have traded this day for anything. The locals were amazingly nice and their culture was so interesting. The pictures in this post do not even come close to the true beauty of this island. There are not enough words to describe this eye-catching country. Word are not nearly as powerful as experience, so don’t try to explore the world from pictures or descriptions, but go out and see it for yourself.