Cruising to Cozumel, Mexico

Some people might think of a cruise as a time for relaxation and sun-bathing, but that is completely backwards from the mind of a traveler. Sure, I get my FULL share of food and lay out in the sun, but I focus mainly on the new places that I will get to experience.

After getting through the port and into the town, the Jeep driver turns around and asks, “Who knows how to drive a stick?” There was an “understood” law that stated that the tour guides could not drive through the town. Being 13 at the time, I laughingly said no and looked at my mom. Obviously, my mom didn’t know how to because she was vigorously shaking her head no. We both looked directly at my dad and, luckily, he used to drive a stick shift. With a quick crash course from the driver, my dad started to go down the busy and winding road. My poor father; we made him stop at almost every store just to shop!

The bustling city made for an interesting ride, but the beach was calling my name. The roads got much less crowded as we went along and I could see a lighthouse just ahead. To get one of the best views in Cozumel, there were stairs that went up to the top of the lighthouse, but I was not expecting what was in front of me. The stairs were smaller than my feet and steep. That is saying a lot because I only wear a size 2 shoe! As the top drew closer, the stairs became smaller! Though there were some ups and downs, the view was absolutely worth it.

Miles past the lighthouse, the Jeep stopped at a pier. After being in the Jeep for a while, it sounded like a good time for a hike. Closer to the pier, there was something in the water that looked like a log. Getting an even closer look, I realized that it was an alligator! This dude was just cruising and enjoying his day, while I am here hoping not to get eaten!

Roaring down the sand, towards the beach, there were huge, crashing waves coming into view. Our driver informed us that we could go down to the rocks and walk around in the “blowholes”. Blowholes? I thought that was what was on the back of a whale! That was definitely not the case here. As the waves crashed into the rocks, the holes in the hollow rocks let water come through and blow up and out of the ground – creating the “blowhole” effect. They were actually pretty cool. My mother walked so close to one of the holes, that she got WET.

All in all,  Cozumel is a beautiful and awesome place. From the salt in the air to the sand in my hair, the experience was all amazing. The Jeep ride allowed a view of the entire island and made for a pretty fun shopping trip. I will surely miss that white sand, crystal clear water, and bright blue sky.