We all learn something new every day. It could be something small or something big that could be life-changing. For me, I find that I learn the most outside of the professional setting within the great outdoors, from my family, and from travel.

Being outside teaches me how to decompress and appreciate what God has to offer us. It helps me reflect on current situations in my life as well as past ones to figure out what I would have done differently to help my future. Rock climbing in Sandrock, kayaking on Yak tha Creek, zip-lining in Costa Rica, and hiking anywhere from Oak Mountain State Park in my backdoor to the island of Cyprus and pyramids of Egypt is such a relief from the chaos of everyday life. Something about getting out in the fresh air and sunshine gives me clarity and peace.

My family gives me a new perspective on life daily! Whether it be my dad’s wise words or my mom’s affection, I always learn something new. My dad has taught me things about electronics, cars, academic testing, communication etiquette, and navigating life in general. Without his teaching, I would be wandering down a dead end road with no clue how to balance life and work. My mom has been there for me through the toughest times of my life. She has taught me how to love unconditionally, how to manage my emotions, how to care for a home, and even how to cook! Without her, I would be a constant emotional wreck.

Traveling gives me a perspective like no other. It teaches me appreciation that I never thought was possible. Seeing countries where people live in cardboard boxes and tin changes how you see living in a first-world country. I found out just how blessed I am to be able to freely worship the Lord and live in a warm, safe home without having to scavenge daily for food or water. I had to watch this in India and it broke my heart while opening my eyes. Having experienced the cultural differences in these 55 countries and 6 continents, I better understand my patients who are not from here and have different cultural needs during their care in the hospital. My personal favorite place that has given me cultural shock is Bali, Indonesia. Some other notable mentions are Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Greece, Hong Kong, and Switzerland!