One Girl Deciding to Take on the World

“Why would a teenage girl want to travel? I mean it sounds like so much work, I’ll have to make up school work, and don’t even get me started on the food, oh the food! Wait, wait, wait…you are telling me that I have to go a week   without pizza??” This is the way I used to think about travel before I was exposed to the world. After I visited Costa Rica,  that thought quickly changed to “Why wouldn’t you want to travel?” So, I decided that I wanted to take on the world and experience life in a new light.             

I can’t even begin to explain that feeling of freedom you gain after seeing a different side of the world that you never knew was there. One travel tip that I have for you is that you should get out there. We should meet our worldly neighbors and take advantage of this big sphere that we live on. We should see how other people live and how other cultures work. This is how we make new discoveries. There would be no new discoveries if it weren’t for people like Christopher Columbus. Without Christopher Columbus, none of the Americas would exist, and without explorers, none of the countries of the world would exist.

Here’s how I look at it, you have one life, so why not use that life to the absolute fullest? Life isn’t about Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat (teenagers, you know I’m talking to you.) We need to lift up our heads from all these screens and open our eyes to the rest of the world. There is a huge world out there ready to be discovered, so what are you waiting for? Don’t just dream of a fairy tale, live it!