One Night in San Jose, Costa Rica

When we landed in San Jose, Costa Rica, it was a completely different atmosphere. As soon as I stepped outside, everything hit me. The city looked different, the people sounded different, and even the weather felt different. The city was so much busier than ours, the people spoke in Spanish, and it was HOT! I was in Costa Rica, I was really here! Being in a different country from my own was such an adrenaline rush. I had never felt this way in my life.


Welcome to Costa Rica!

After we unloaded our bags in the hotel room (Best Western Irazu), we walked the city. The first place we went into was a grocery store, silly, I know right? When I walked in, I thought to myself, “Are these people crazy??” All that was there were meats, fruits, and vegetables. Seriously! No carbs? No pizza? No junk food? I think I might die (not really.)”

Around the corner of the grocery store, there was a mall called C. Comercial San Jose 2000. The first restaurant was a Chinese place call El Dragon comida china. “Yes! I’m STARVING!” I felt like I had just won the lottery. I bet you are wondering why we chose Chinese when we were in Costa Rica. Well, the answer is, at that point, anything edible sounded good.

Chinese food in Costa Rica, the perfect way to kick off the trip!

After dinner, we found an amazing dessert place. I got chocolate cake, of course. This cake was very moist with chocolate ganache and almonds on top. This stuff was amazing!  My mouth is seriously watering just thinking about it right now. I mean, whoever made that cake, keep doing whatever you are doing. And what girl can tour a city without clothes shopping, am I right? And, as usual, I found a shirt after like 5 hours (I’m not exaggerating at all…yes I am.) We got our dessert and went back to the hotel room. I literally ate it in my bed, classy huh? At this point it is getting late so I crash because, let me tell you, I was beat.

YUM! I might actually have a sugar addiction!

That next morning, we went to Denny’s for breakfast. The menu had pancakes and I felt like I was back home. I needed some American food baby! As soon as we finished breakfast, we said farewell to San Jose, Costa Rica.