Rainforest zip-lining

Zip-lines a mile high and a mile long, this was gonna be an interestingly fun day. To be honest, I was scared to death. The only zip-lining I had ever done was in Red Mountain. That was completely different from zip-lining in Costa Rica. It was so exhilarating! You never knew what was on the other side of the zip-line, because it was so long that you couldn’t see the end of the line.

Can you see what’s on the other side?

When we got to Ecoglide Arenal Park, we went to put on our gear. Let me just say that I looked so crazy. I guess I can’t work a helmet…or harness. Oh well! After we were ready, we were met by a bus that took us up a huge mountain. The bus was guided by a tractor. At the top of the mountain, we spotted a tall tower. So many steps; so high up. “Just Do It!” I thought.

Ready to zip away!

I had reached the top of the tower now and it was pouring down rain. This was really happening and I couldn’t believe it. The instructor hooked my harness to the the wire. I seriously could not see the other side. Why did I have to go first? Its because I’m tiny, that’s it! Anyhow, the second that I left the platform, it felt amazing. It was such an astonishing feeling of just pure excitement. I felt like there was no gravity holding me down, nothing to hold me back. I could see the end now. That meant I should probably stop. I put my leather glove onto the wire. The stop was smooth, thank goodness. Wait a minute, I just loved that! Onto the next zip-line I go.


This time, I was so small, I had to tandem with two other people. That is just lovely now isn’t it? Slightly embarrassing, but whatever, it was totally worth it! I made it to the end again. This time, my mother was coming in pretty fast. She tried to stop, but not in time. The guide got kicked in the stomach, and my mother burned her knee on the wire. That was an awkward situation.

Double tandem yo!
Ouch! That one must’ve hurt!

The other seven zip-lines went pretty smooth. I stopped short on one, but I pulled myself back to the platform. Other than that, I had a blast! After the zip-lines, we went to one of their native villages. They told us some legends and we got a chance to buy some of the art they had made. My mom purchased a necklace and I purchased a maraca made by one of the people in the village.

It was a long, wet trip back to the hotel. As soon as I got there, I quickly got a shower. We went on a little hike by ourselves to the waterfall close to the hotel. On our way, we stopped by the stream. I am leaning in to feel the water, and I hear someone screaming behind me. Its my mother. She was screaming that she saw a snake. Well, I was outta there faster than a jack rabbit getting chased by a fox. Needless to say, we didn’t finish the hike.

So…this is where we saw the snake.

I was back at the hotel and decided to go swim in the pool, a safe, snake-free environment. We swam for about an hour and then went back to the hotel. I was out like a light. So far, Costa Rica was pretty amazing to me.