Surprises and Sights of Santiago, Chile

Santiago, Chile ; a city full of culture and beautiful architecture. If fact, there is so much “beautiful architecture” that you could walk all day and night and not get to see it all. The sights were astonishing and there were so many surprises along the way. The culture in Chile is very diverse. Most of the the food here is from different countries. For example, there was McDonalds, Burger King, a London patisserie, Chinese food, and of course, genuine Chilean cuisine.

Up and Down a Mountain in Two Hours

Riding in a funicular was an experience that I will not soon forget. A funicular is basically one open train car pulled by a cable that is tilted at an angle so that all the passengers can see the gorgeous views. It went straight up the mountain on a track that neither tilted nor turned. The only direction was up or down. As we approached the summit, this vast city was just in view. I about fell flat on my face. This was beautiful! The colors were so vibrant, the mountains were so big, and the air was so fresh.


How I Almost Died When I Tripped On a Rock

Up high on Santa Lucia Hill, I hiked up steep, hard stairs made of rock. At the top of this giant hill, there was a perfect picture spot, but there was only one problem, I’m quite clumsy. So, I get to the top and I get some pictures, and then my mom says, “Hurry, go down there so I can get a good picture of you. Hurry!” As I start heading down the steps, someone steps DIRECTLY in front of my foot, so I trip down three stairs and land on my knee. Luckily, I only got a couple of bruises. Oh, and did I forget to mention that there was only a thin rail that a tiny teenager such as myself could have fallen under? Well, there was.



Fun Facts About Chile

  • Chile is the world’s ninth largest wine producer.
  • The world’s oldest mummy is from Chile.
  • Chile is home to the driest place on earth; the Atacama Desert.
  • Due to the climate in Chile, you can ski and go to the beach in the same day!
  • The Santiago Metro transports over 2 million passengers per day.
  • There is a penguin colony that lives in southern Chile.
  • The world’s largest swimming pool is located in Chile.