The Astonishing Australia

Hello there mate! It’s time to explore Australia. Sydney, here I come!

The Sydney Opera House and Harbor Bridge

Australia, my second home (I wish.) Oh, how I miss the accents and the Australian hospitality.

It had been a long plane trip because I was in some serious pain. We had just gotten back from Malaysia and I guess I got food poisoning. I had been sick for a couple of days. And when I say I was sick, I mean, I could barely walk up a hill. My parents literally drug me up one hill, but I was determined that I wasn’t going to miss anything. Seriously, I felt like I was dying a slow and very painful death. By the way, I might not can navigate you to all of the attractions, but I could probably show you where each and every restroom in Sydney is located for reasons untold.

As we were landing, they announced that they would be spraying the plane for bugs (like we were pests or something) and that the bio-hazard team was coming around and making sure nobody was “obviously” sick. If you were sick, they put you in quarantine for 30 days and I wasn’t going to ruin our trip. I was gonna have to rough it through the landing, throughout the airport, and through customs. Luckily, I made it through without anybody noticing, but I was still sick none the less. When we got to the hotel, I crashed. P.S. one couple wasn’t as lucky as me. There was ACTUALLY a lady evacuated from the plane with her husband because she had been sick during the flight.

The next morning, I was feeling no better, but I still walked through Sydney and it took my mind off of the agonizing pain. Today, we were going to the Sydney aquarium, zoo, and wax museum.

The Sydney Aquarium was amazing. There were animals like a dugong, dolphins, all different kinds of species of sharks and fish, and we saw penguins. To see the penguins, there was a boat that took you through a freezing cold habitat and the penguins would come up to the glass to see you. I guess I made a stupid move not bringing my jacket, but it was only a minute ride, so I survived.

Next up was the Sydney Zoo. I know what you are thinking, KOALA BEAR! I got to stick my head about an inch from that grey, fluffy little ball of fur. He was adorable! I seriously considered taking him and putting him in my backpack to bring home. Other than the fluffy teddy bear, we had a kangaroo and a wallaby hop beside us and had a cassowary and emu walk by us. I am so small, I definitely could’ve ridden that cassowary back to our AirBNB.

Finally, we have the wax museum. This place gave me the creeps. All these people kept staring at me. At one point, we walked into the sports room and my mom jumped because one of the runners looked like they were going to run into us!

All in all, it was a pretty awesome day. Oh no, now my dad wants to move here! I’m truly serious. Have you visited Sydney? If so, what was your favorite place to visit?