Visiting Peru for 72 Hours

Lima, Peru, a city of many “interesting” wonders. Rock beaches, Spanish-speakers, and taxis galore!

T-Shirts to Coats and back Again

Would you like to freeze, but at the same time, sweat like crazy? If so, then come to Peru in the spring time. My clothes on this trip consist of shorts, leggings, pants, t-shirts, sweatshirts, and a bulky jacket. Oh, and we can’t forget the makeup and jewelry. Freezing in the mornings, sweating in the afternoon, and then freezing again at night; this is a very enjoyable time of year for traveling.

Spanish or Español?

Even though, I took Spanish 1 and I am in Spanish 2, hearing the people speak here and trying to put the words together was much, much different then looking at words in a textbook. I was able to put that practice into action by navigating through the city, talk to our drivers, order food, and bargain prices. Through this, I learned how vital it is to practice conversational Spanish continually and get comfortable with the skill before actually using it in day-to-day life.

Peruvian Delicacies

Let’s talk food, my favorite part. If I had to choose, I would say that my favorite Peruvian delicacy was suspiros a la limeña. This was a butterscotch cream with meringue to top it off. Absolutely amazing! Some other great food that I tried included Pan con Queso (bread with cheese), green rice, Chinawok (yes, I ate Chinese in Peru. Don’t judge me), and Teo’s ice cream. Two other surprising Peruvian delicacies were fried guinea pig and grilled alpaca. Come on, these are our pets in America! I guess that why thy are Peruvian delicacies and not American delicacies. I DID NOT partake in these.

The Rough Ride

Touring the city was something to remember. The cars got about two or three inches apart from each other. I’m not kidding. Thank goodness for horns, am I right? Oh yeah, and one car ran over a curb, almost smashing our toes!

Mid-City Ruins

Right-smack in the middle of the city of Lima, there laid ruins dating back to 200 A.D. These ruins were called Huaca Pucllana. From the top of the pyramid, you could see the city of Lima for miles. I was just in awe. The world is such a big place and I hope to be able to see it all. The ruins had tombs forming the foundation of this vast structure. Some being covered with soil to preserve their people’s remains.